Agata Feldens


Agata Feldens graduated from the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel with a degree in geology in 2012. Since then she has worked on various projects related to geology, the coast and the seafloor. Her expertise lies in the interpretation of hydroacoustic data with a focus on geology and sedimentology. She has participated in numerous expeditions, gaining practical experience and broadening her knowledge.


Hinz, M., Westfeld, P., Feldens, P., Feldens, A., Themann, S. and Papenmeier, S. (2024). AI-based boulder detection in sonar data – Bridging the gap from experimentation to application. The International Hydrographic Review, 30(1), pp. 78-98., DOI: 10.58440/ihr-30-1-a08

Marx, D., Feldens, A., Papenmeier, S., Feldens, P., Darr, A., Zettler, M.L, Heinicke, K. Habitats and Biotopes in the German Baltic Sea, Biology 202413(1), 6; DOI: 10.3390/biology13010006

Feldens, A.. Marx, D., Herbst, A., Darr, A., Papenmeier, S., Hinz, M., Zettler, M.L, Feldens, P. (2023) Distribution of boulders in coastal waters of Western Pomerania, German Baltic Sea. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2023.1155765

Feldens, A. & Feldens, P.: Map of sediment distribution in the 12 nautical miles zone of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Plantagenet Grund, Darss Sill, Outer Wismar Bay),, 2022.

Feldens, P.. Westfeld, P., Valerius, J., Feldens, A., Papenmeier, S. (2021) Automatic detection of boulders by neural networks: A comparison of multibeam echo sounder and side[1]scan sonar performance. 10.23784/HN119-01

Richter, P., Höft, D., Feldens, A., Schwarzer, K., Diesing, M., Valerius, J., Mulckau, A.: Map of sediment distribution in the German EEZ (1:10.000)., 2021.

Wetzel, A., Feldens, A., Unverricht, D., Stattegger, K. (2020) Late Pleistocene sea-level changes and the formation and fill of bent valleys incised into the shelf of the western South China Sea, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104626

Richter, P., Schwarzer, K., Feldens, A., Valerius, J., Thiesen, M., Mulckau, A.: Map of sediment distribution in the German EEZ (1:10.000)., 2020

Feldens, P., Darr, A., Feldens, A., Tauber, F. (2019) Detection of Boulders in Side Scan Sonar Mosaics by a Neural Network. Geosciences 9(4) 159. 3263/9/4/159

Richter, P., Schwarzer, K., Szczygielski, A., Propp, C., Thiesen, M., Zeiler, M.: Map of sediment distribution in the German EEZ (1:10.000)., 2019

Wetzel, A., Szczygielski, A., Unverricht, D., Stattegger, K. (2017) Sedimentological and ichnological implications of rapid Holocene flooding of a gently sloping mud-dominated incised valley 3 an example from the Red River (Gulf of Tonkin), Sedimentology DOI: 10.1111/sed.12357

Szczygielski. A, Stattegger, K., Schwarzer, K., Aquino da Silva, A.G., Vital, H., Koenig, J.. (2015) Evolution of the ParnaÌba Delta (NE Brazil) during the late Holocene. Geo-Marine Letters 35, 105-117.