
Peter Menzel
Peter Menzel
/ 10. Mar 2023


A Comprehensive Tool for Determining Burial and Mobilisation of Objects on the Seabed

The UXOmob tool is a remarkable software program that is the only publicly available instrument in the world capable of determining the burial and mobilisation of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and other objects on the seabed. With over 10 years of experience, the software considers the most important physical processes, including wave- and current-induced processes, sediment properties, water depth, and weather situations.

UXOmob provides a comprehensive analysis of burial caused by scour in the near field and morphodynamic processes. The software maps possible re-exposure and determines the mobilisation based on the forces acting on individual objects. Long-term movements of objects can also be predicted through a possible coupling to the drift model. The result is a comprehensive tool that takes all relevant processes into account for determining the burial and mobilisation of UXO and other objects on the seabed.

UXOmob offers several properties, including the calculation of burial and mobilisation, export for presentation in GIS, and individualisation possibilities through the integration of new objects.

The software has several applications, such as predicting the potential mobilisation and drift of objects for planning purposes and monitoring individual objects and sea areas.